YOLO Mission
YOLO Medical Inc. is committed to the global advancement of innovative medical and aesthetic devices that detect and prevent disease, enhance wellness, and promote longer and healthier lives. YOLO is dedicated to the design, research & development, manufacturing, production, distribution, sales and support of innovative medical devices that are grounded in science, and provide consumers with an opportunity to improve their overall lifestyle management.
YOLO Corporate Vision
To be recognized and trusted as a primary provider of medical and aesthetic devices that empower consumers towards achieving their overall health and wellness goals. To maintain a strong commitment to science while pushing the boundaries of innovation in the medical and aesthetic market.
YOLO History
- YOLO Medical Inc., a private company incorporated under the laws of British Columbia in 2010, has positioned itself as a leader in the sales and distribution of medical and aesthetic products.
- YOLO Medical Inc. has an extensive line of products designed specifically for the medical and aesthetic market including the Lapex BCS LipoLaser, the Digital Pulse Analyzer (DPA), Whole Body Vibration, and a line of Nutraceuticals.
- YOLO Medical Inc. now operates a successful and growing sales and distribution office out of Surrey-White Rock, B.C Canada. In order to expand its brand and market presence, YOLO Medical Inc. has retained an elite and well-qualified group of distributors throughout North America.
- YOLO Medical Inc. will continue to expand and sign key partnerships around North America, to ensure that Yolo’s products will be elite products that will be available now, and in the future.

- YOLO Medical Inc. engages in randomized double blind controlled study to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of its newly designed lipo laser.
- YOLO Medical Inc. begins litigation process in order to protect its customers, its intellectual property, its brand, and its technology.

- YOLO Medical Inc. obtains official “Manufacturing” designation.
- YOLO Medical Inc. begins design process for new laser device.

- YOLO Medical Inc. introduces the YOLO Vibe whole body vibration device to the North American market.
- YOLO Medical Inc. officially launches comprehensive “Lifestyle By Designâ„¢” Program.
- YOLO Medical Inc. officially launches YOLO Elements supplement line.

- YOLO Medical Inc. looks to strategically maintain its position and continue to strive to become a leader in the aesthetics industry.
- The YOLO Curve receives FDA clearance.
- The YOLO Curve is officially launched in North America

- YOLO Medical Inc. A privately owned company was established and incorporated in February 2010

- Digital Pulse Analyzer receives FDA clearance.
- Lapex BCS LipoLaser Receives Health Canada approval.
- DPA receives Health Canada approval.
- Lapex BCS receives FDA clearance.